The Broken Deal

An April 2006 Los Angeles Times article recounts what happened next: “Then Cooley changed his mind. His offer had set off a political battle in his office, according to court filings, with top level deputy prosecutors saying they should have been consulted.” Cooley’s office later claimed to have changed course based on new evidence against Peagler. This claim led best-selling author and LA Times columnist Steve Lopez to write: “I’m not sure what’s worse: that Cooley and his chief deputy would offer a get-out-of-jail deal without doing any homework, or that they’d be unprofessional enough to withdraw it without a full explanation for their ineptitude…”
In an effort to overcome the broken deal, Debbie’s attorneys submitted numerous petitions in Los Angeles Superior Court, filed a civil suit against Cooley and the other prosecutors involved, and sought Debbie’s release through parole and various other avenues.